Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Posting Problems, P Parting and Present Partner

Well I learned my lesson...SAVE!!!! I have officially lost some posts on here. So sorry that I didn't save them elsewhere. I am new to all this.
Moving on...

I won't try to remember what I had written. So much has happened since then! I am about to be jobless, carless and homeless as of June 1! Whoo Hoo!!!! I am done with that crazy nanny family! I had told Mrs. P that I wanted to discuss her intentions regarding renewing my contract. She has been awfully snotty and rude lately and I could sense it wasn't just her ordinary inconsiderate self. For example, after having asked her on three different occasions to not discuss my weight, what I eat or if I am on a diet, she came right out and asked, "Are you on a diet?" "Bitch, mind your own business" was exactly what I wanted to say though I settled for, "Mrs. P, I have asked you no fewer than three times not to ask me those types of questions or discuss..." "Oh, I don't remember you ever asking me not to. I am sorry, just forget I said anything." She may be suffering from early stages of Alzheimer's to tell you the truth. She forgets everything! She can be looking right at her purse and ask me if I have seen it. It's sad but I cannot save the world. I need to figure out my next step in life. In the conversation we eventually had last week, Mrs. P told me we weren't a good fit; that I am a poor communicator! Oh my gosh!!!! Is that funny or what???? She said it is not necessary for me to finish out the contract and that I should just choose a last day. “TODAY?????????”, I fantasized. I told her I would think about it and finally came up with a simple two weeks. She was a bit surprised but why wait? I have been ready from about day one!

Since the bank hasn't taken my townhouse yet I am going to move back in. The utilities are being turned back on this weekend. Home...check! I have someone looking at a car for me today and another car to look at tomorrow. I have a few thousand cash in hand for that so hopefully in the next few days I'll have wheels. Car...almost checked!

As for a job...I have been looking for two weeks so far and I am not seeing what I want yet. I will never do another live-in position again. I may not even go the nanny route. Mrs. "P"UNT may have soured me just too badly. Shame really. I love kids and am so good with them! Maybe I will just take a summer nanny/babysitting job, the kind that's not taxed, just for the summer. That'll leave me with an insurance gap but I can't solve everything at once and if I need the ER then I will go! I also think I am entitled to unemployment seeing that I was a tax paying employee of Mr. P's corporation. I will apply and what's the worst that could happen?

Ok so not that I have resolved all my major life problems in just two short paragraphs I can tell you about my boyfriend. He is everything I have ever wanted in a man except broke and still legally married. Two minor details. Otherwise, and on a serious note, he makes me so happy. He is supportive, caring, playful, smart, sexy, sexy, sexy and most importantly he is consistent and a wonderful companion. We have been together for four months though we get to spend a lot of time together so it feels like a lot longer. He gets along well with my friends and enjoys most of what I enjoy. He has a little one but I am not going to get involved with her; BOTH of our choice. I never did that with my own daughter why would I do that with his? It's so tough if there is a break up. I know how hard it would be for me let alone a five year old. I know too many people who have mixed up their kids and the kids of others doing that. It's not necessary. As long as he knows I am good with kids and I know the same about him that's all would matter for the future. He actually spends a lot of time with his little girl. He is a diaper changer! Ladies you KNOW what that means!!!!! He is a keeper! The bedroom has never been more exciting. I will leave it at that for YOUR sake! Don't want you all squirming as you read. (Kiddie pool...for those that get the joke! If you're brave enough to venture a guess...send me a message!!!!) Mr. "K" is my keeper...I hope I'm his.

Yes, he'll probably read this. It's not a secret. We tell each other all the time how lucky we are to have found each other! OK Cupid said we were only a 31% match (or something like that)! I was looking at my profile and checking out who had viewed me when I noticed him. He had looked at my profile but hadn't messaged me or sent a "wink" or anything. Now most normal girls would let that go. Yeah, not me. I sent him a message that essentially asked why he didn't. I asked if he wasn't attracted to my picture why did he "click on” my profile to even read more? And then even I asked what was it that he wasn't interested in. See, you gotta understand me: I think I am FABULOUS!!!!! I found him instantly attractive in is picture and felt something was there as strange as it sounds. Something inside me just told me not to let it go. He replied quickly. It was his first day on as I recall and he said he hadn't pursued me because "it" said we were not a compatible match at only 31%. He figured that meant he shouldn't message me. He had thought I was cute, that's why he stopped to read more about me, but then when it popped up to tell him that we weren't a good fit he backed off. OK Cupid couldn't have been more off! Good thing I left my bed behind at the townhouse! I'm looking forward to going home.

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